Modern slavery is real and happening all around us. The good news is you can play a part in stamping out exploitation by learning to spot the signs.Â
Here are the most common signs of modern slavery and exploitation – starting with general signs and then detailing signs of:
They’re rarely allowed to travel on their own
Appear to be under the control of others
Tend not to interact with other people
Seem unfamiliar with their neighbourhood or where they work
Have relationships which don’t seem right – for example, a young teenager appearing to be the boyfriend/girlfriend of a much older adult.
They don’t have documents that would allow them to travel – passports, ID, etc.
Limited opportunities to move freely
Few personal possessions
Wear the same clothes day-in day-out.
Avoiding eye contact
Appearing frightened, or hesitant to talk to strangers
Fear of law enforcers
Fear of deportation
Unsure who to trust or where to get help
Fear of violence to them or their family.
Signs of physical or psychological abuse, such as untreated injuries, anxiety, agitation, or appearing to be withdrawn and neglected
They look malnourished or unkempt
Wear clothes that are unsuitable for their work.
They’re living in dirty, cramped or overcrowded accommodation
Working and living at the same address.
They’re always be dropped off at/ collected from work; and very early in the morning or late at night
Children dropped off/ picked up in private cars or taxis at unusual times and in places where it isn’t clear why they’d be there.
The following could indicate someone is being exploited for their labour:
Signs of psychological or physical abuse
Appearing frightened, withdrawn or confused
They appear to not be free to move and/or are always accompanied
They’re transported to and from work, perhaps with a number of people in one vehicle
Lack protective equipment, suitable clothing or training to safely do their job
Lack access to their own documents, such as ID or passport; an employer may have confiscated them
Working unusually long hours.
They do not have a contract, are paid less than the National Minimum Wage, or not paid at all